Welcome to
N-Drive Productions
Thank you for looking at the N-Drive site, please note that
this web-site only displays the products we make, to
order or purchase any of these please contact me directly
or complete the contact form and I will be in touch
regarding availability and payment details.
New for 2024 is this web-site, it's still being worked
on but hopefully it's roughly right and you can find your way
round it, if you have any problems please contact me directly
using the details on the Nine Lines or contact section. All the
products and production remain the same though new
equipment has allowed us to work a bit quicker and make
more parts so hopefully more items will be in stock or produced more quickly. The increasing range of N gauge industrial loco kits can, at present, be found on the N-Drive kit page.
COVID created a lot of problems for all of us and we were no exception, the day-job was relentless meaning there was less time for railways and demand increased so we still have a large number of reservations that are waiting to be fulfilled and thank every-one for their patience and kind wishes.
Something that may be of particular interest to narrow gauge modellers wanting to focus more on kit and scratch-building
railways away from the RTR products that was once the
attraction of 009 is the addition of the 55th Studio range, this , started with the 5.5mm/ ft kits produced by GEM in 1963 using the newly available 12mm track and was continued and developed by Malcolm Savage until he passed away in 2018. Production was maintained by George Williamson until circumstances caused the range to come North. At the
moment there is a variety of loco, coach and wagon kits
available along with a large number of figures and scenic items. We are currently developing working chassis's for the existing loco kits and adding more to the range of rolling stock and accessories, this will take time but by the end of 2024 there should be much more choice. The development of the 55th Studio range is helped and supported by the 5.5mm Association membership of which should be the first step in enjoying this unique scale, full details are available on their website, www.55ng.co.uk.
The Backwoods Miniatures range continues to be worked on and some of the Irish NG rolling stock is already available with more of the 00n3 and 009 stock on the way as we have time to sort it out.
We remain confident that N-Drive will fill it's initial idea of providing a long term, reliable source of chassis's for 009 modellers, manufacturers and others using gauges between 9 and 14mm, and maybe, if our vision of the future is somewhere near right, we can go much further. We wish all modellers, of narrow, standard and broad persuasions happy modelling, somewhere along the way maybe using the odd, or very odd N-Drive chassis!! Nev
Please remember that N-Drive consists of one modeller working part-time at a workbench over looking the Clyde valley in beautiful Scotland, I have a demanding full-time job and a very tolerant family that needs attention along the way so if you have to wait for a chassis I am doing my best in what can be a complicated life.